As indicated in our Pastoral Care priorities for 2014, our policy is centred on the total care of students. 

Year 6 students accept greater responsibility throughout the school and are assigned extra responsibilities. The leaders represent the school at various functions including Young Leader’s Day and the Local Council Leader’s Breakfast.

During 2014, Kindergarten and Year 6 students participated in the Better Buddies Program, established by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. This program promotes caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility. Each Kindergarten student was assigned a Year 6 buddy, who assisted them especially in the first few weeks of school. Some of the bonds forged between Kindergarten and Year 6 children were very close. This was exemplified by our Year 6 students writing to their ‘old’ buddies (now in Year 12) to wish them success in the HSC.

We also acknowledge the achievements of our students in all areas of curriculum and the living of Christian values through awards which are distributed at weekly assemblies.

A copy of the policies that come under the Student Welfare Policy is available from the school office on request. The policy incorporates our Discipline Policy, which was reviewed during 2014.